性别/sex: 公 Male
年龄/age: 四岁多 Approximately 4 years old
驱虫 Deworming:✅
免疫 Immunity: ✅
绝育 Sterilization: ❎
坐标 Coordinates: 顺义 Shunyi
性格/personality: 性格慢热,对男性,小孩比较警惕。但熟悉后非常亲人。不会在家大小便,不会拆家,不忽视。对狗狗们很友好。Slow to warm up, wary of men and children. But after getting familiar he will be very close to people. He won’t urinate or defecate at home, won’t open the house, and won’t protect his food. Friendly to dogs.
救助经历 Rescue:24年8.26大雨天在首钢附近高架桥上狂奔被困。Rescue experience: Trapped on a viaduct near Shougang during heavy rain on August 26, 24 years ago.
领养要求 Adoption Requirement:北京,有养狗经验,科学喂养;定期驱虫,有病就医有精力遛狗,栓绳遛狗;领养人若非独居领养需征得家人同意,学生不考虑;领养人申请时需填写个人信息表,仅供本次审核,个人信息绝不会有外泄风险;领养人需接受不影响生活前提下的不定期回访(视频或拍照);一旦决定领养就要负责到底,不接受任何理由的弃养,不得以换工作搬家或怀孕等任何理由弃养。Beijing, have dog experience, scientific feeding; Regularly deworming, sick medical treatment have energy to walk the dog, leash walk the dog; If the adopter is not living alone, the adoption needs to obtain the consent of the family, and the student will not consider it. When applying for adoption, the adopter
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