性别/sex: 公 Male
年龄/age: 1-2岁
驱虫: Deworming: ✅
免疫: Immunity: ✅
绝育: Sterilization: ✅
坐标: 丰台。Coordinates: Feng Tai.
性格/personality: 亲人活泼 听话学习能力好。对狗护食,在中转家庭跟原住民学习。去新地会标记,可能开始会在家里尿,然后就不会了。有点拆家,和狗狗友好,和猫猫友好。小便较多,睡前需要加遛一次 憋尿会去舔铲屎官。救助经历:24年7月14日救助 群里家长路过发现的。Family members are lively, obedient, and have good learning abilities. Protect dog food and learn from indigenous people in transit families. Going to a new place will be marked, and you may start urinating at home and then stop. It’s a bit messy, friendly to dogs and cats. I have a lot of urine, so I need to take a walk before going to bed to hold my urine and lick my poop.
救助过程/Rescue experience:24年7月14日救助 群里家长路过发现。Discovered by parents passing by in the rescue group on July 14, 2024.
领养要求/Adoption requirements:北京本地领养,稳定工作及住所(自有房优先考虑),办理狗证,科学喂养,佩戴牵引,有病就医,允许回访。Local adoption in Beijing, stable job and residence (priority given to owning a house), obtaining a dog license, scientific feeding, wearing a leash, seeking medical attention if sick, and allowing for follow-up visits.
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